Enetics, Inc. > Products > Software > Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM)

Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM)

SPEED™ System Software

Field Station

Runs on a laptop or similar PC based computer, serial direct connect to recorders in the field for installation verification, data collection and recorder programming and configuration updates

  • Allows data collection via direct connection
  • Allows recorder programming
  • Runs diagnostics on recorders
  • Displays real-time readings of voltage, current, watts, and VARs
  • Displays real-time detection of edge events

Analysis Station

Accesses data from the SQL database and presenting the information to the operator in the form of graphical charts, spreadsheet tables, and summary reports. Analysis Station allows users to view appliance data over selected time periods including any subset of appliances. Additionally, Analysis Station provides for the generation of reports for the aggregation of results across multiple premises.

  • Flexible graphical and textual report generation
  • Supports multi-user networked environments
  • Data export via file transfer (ftp), Excel
  • Provides aggregation of data across multiple premises

Master Station

Collects the field data, manages the recorder operations and configurations, and performs the SPEED™ algorithm processing. Recorded data at each premises is uploaded on a regular basis (typically bi-weekly) to the SPEED™ Master Station. This data resides in an SQL database for flexible access by the Analysis Station software. 

  • Manages recorder configurations, call schedules, and locations
  • Processes recorder edge data into individual load interval data
  • Performs as a server and a database manager for:
    • Energy consumption data
    • Analysis station queries
    • User queries

Non-Intrusive Load Management (NILM)

NILM is a unique approach to monitoring the energy consumption of major appliances or other loads within a home or business. With NILM technology, a single recording meter installed at the electrical service entrance captures the energy consumption and time of use for each major appliance in the home or business. Hardware installation is quick and easy and re-wiring of appliances is never required. Individual load disaggregation is accomplished using the Enetics’ NILM algorithms in the SPEED™ software.

Enetics brought the world’s first utility-based residential NIALM product (non-intrusive appliance load monitoring) to the marketplace in 1996 and we are recognized leaders in this technology today. Our engineering staff has been engaged in research, development and commercialization activities for non-intrusive end-use monitoring since 1993. Our family of NILM products, named SPEED™ (Single Point End-use Energy Disaggregation), employs patented disaggregation algorithm technology. This technology has been extensively deployed and tested around the world since its initial release in 1996.